Why I like older men

Dating men of the same age? Or maybe younger guys too? I did that for years – and regretted it. The disappointments were too great and living together too exhausting. I’d like to tell you why I now like older men and what advantages I enjoy as a result.

When I was in my early 20s, I had my first real relationship. My partner and I were floating on cloud nine and enjoyed our time together. Everyday life was nice. The sex was good. But somehow, over the years, it gnawed at me more and more. Something was missing.

More and more often we argued about the most stupid topics. Money. Time. And even about intimate details. In the end, we broke up.

In my second relationship, exactly the same game. He was exactly my age. We were in the same phase of life. And even though we really loved each other, there were problems.

He was incredibly unhappy with his job. He didn’t tell me until he spontaneously decided to move to another city to start a new career. Shortly after we had just moved into our first flat together. What a shock! Oh yes, our sex life was also anything but satisfactory. In the end, we ended the relationship.

Date with an older man

After all these flops, I no longer had any desire for relationships. I wanted to take it easy in the future and just enjoy my life as a single lady. So I decided to go casual dating. The result: mediocre sex with ungrateful guys.

So what to do? I was on the verge of writing off the world of men for myself. Until I became aware of the dating community TALEJA. Here everything was different – and better. When you wrote to someone, you knew directly what both sides wanted. The men were simply nice and always respectful. And there was simply no drama. Top!

After I had already written to a few TALEJA singles, I got stuck on a profile. Lars, 48. Hmmm. At that time I was in my late 20s and couldn’t imagine sleeping with a man 20 years older. BUT: If you always do the same thing and hope for a different result, you’re just stupid. So I decided to jump over my shadow and meet Lars. After all, he was really nice and had really appealing photos in his pro.

What can I say? The first meeting with him was just perfect. We connected right away, were able to have deep conversations and just had super great sex. That was not to be my last date with him. And not the last date with an older man either.

Dominant man seduces his partner for an erotic adventure

Uncomplicated dating: The age difference brings advantages

Today, after a few dates with older men, I know: this is exactly the right thing for me. The men are calm and uncomplicated. They know what they want. Have experience in bed. And show a woman that they are grateful for her time. All that I have wanted from my partners for so long.

You haven’t had a date with a much younger single lady or an older man yet? Then you should try it out. For example, via the singles portal TALEJA. You will certainly not regret it.