Now, let’s be honest: Is it really easier for women to get sex?

Most men are familiar with this situation: You’ve been signed up for an eternity on a dating app until finally a match comes along, and you start talking. The way to a personal meeting is once again a tough road, which costs plenty of time and quite a few pleasant messages. While all you want is just some fun.

Take a look at your best girlfriend’s dating app, and you’ll experience sheer envy. She has easily cracked the 100-like limit within hours and has already received dozens of messages in her mailbox. It looks as if she enjoys free choice among a whole bunch of nice and handsome guys.

But is that really true? Basically, it’s a ‘yes’. However, there are differences. For example, it turns out that – statistically – middle-aged men have more success in finding non-committal sensual encounters with a charming lady than others.

The best genes win! Even with people?

Many things that take place between human males and females can also be observed in the animal kingdom. It is not only the male Homo Sapiens who has to compete for a woman. In the animal world too, the fight for the female can be observed in all kinds of facets. For example, in the bird world. Here, as a rule, the male wins, if he manages to produce the most beautiful, varied song. Or a strikingly beautiful feather dress.

Do women have a better chance of ONS? Find out more in this video:

In people, it looks like this: broad shoulders, voice, posture, physique, size, and much more decide whether a woman is really attracted to a man.

This means that women have a choice more often, but they don’t get sex any easier. You only have the option more often because the offer is so large. However, this possibility is not always seized. Because: Often these offers come out clumsy. A stupid remark on the street. Dick pics. Suggestive comments on the job. These are not welcome flirting attempts, but rather stressful.

Opportunities of men and women on dating sites

But what does this look like on dating sites? Here, too, it turns out that most men go empty-handed. Only a small part is really noticed by women and actively contacted. A very small part. Women have an easier game.

This means that women are offered significantly more sex than men. So, in theory, they are easier to get to an ONS or an affair. BUT: Just because the offer is large does not mean that it is always liked and taken advantage of.

Good news for the male world: There are ways to boost the chances of non-committal sex with an attractive woman. If one strategy has proved unsuccessful, you need another one. So: Just change your game. Or get some advice from a buddy who has more success on single apps. What does he do differently?

Otherwise, there is also the possibility to change the dating website and to try your luck with other – perhaps less popular – providers.

Last but not least – if you’re polite, success is usually guaranteed. The saying goes: Who wants to fu** must be friendly.” That is all too true.